About us


We are four friends – Fatima, Fiona, Juhi and Keith – brought together by law and united by our love for travel. The purpose of our blog is not to write any creative, fancy, sugar-coated prose. That is beyond our capabilities – we are lawyers after all. Our only attempt to be creative is with the blog’s name, which is a spin on ‘forum shopping’, a legal term referring to choosing the most favourable court or jurisdiction out of multiple options in which to bring one’s case. Ok, enough of the legal jargon.

Through our blog, we want to share our travels in a way that provides useful information, tips and suggestions, including recommendations from locals. We hope that this gives you a glimpse into forums yet unexplored, inspires you to hop to new lands, helps you in any planning or decision-making, validates choices made in places you too have visited, or gives you reason to go back somewhere to visit a museum you skipped or devour a dessert you didn’t know about.

Follow us on Instagram @forumhopping